Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rainy Days

This weekend has been "cool" by South Florida standards. It has been so nice to walk outside and not break out into a sweat! I was actually cold on our morning walk.

It is pouring rain right now. I kind of like it, though, because it is probably the closest I will get to those cool crisp Fall days that we had in Delaware. I know, I know.....cry me a river, right???

Mike decided to go out fishing today. He left around 11 this morning. L and I wanted to make cookies but we were out of eggs. So, we decided to go to the grocery store. So, I dressed the kids, got them packed up into the car and headed to Publix. At about this time the wind had picked up and the sky was dark. "We better hurry up so we don't get wet" was what I was thinking. We made it in the store dry, and as we were walking out of the store, the sky opened up. Damn it!! We ran to the car, I put them in their seats, unloaded the freakin groceries, returned the damn cart, and then returned to the car to buckle them in. Now I officially looked like a drowned rat! When we got back, I ran in to ask Mike for help, but he wasn't home yet. Damn it again!!! Once we were inside and settled, here came Mike paddling up the canal towards home. Soaked!!! He hurried up to the door towards us and asked if we were ok!! "Yea, why?" He thought for sure that I would be pacing back and forth worry to death about him being caught in the storm.! Sorry, honey! I guess I won't complain to you about getting wet in the store parking lot!

He did end up in a sketchy situation being in the middle of the bay during a heavy storm in a little kayak. But he is home safe now! Well, he is safely holed up in the local brewery right now! I'm meeting him there when the baby wakes.

Today is S's 11 month birthday! I can't believe it!!! It seems like just yesterday he looked like this.......
My sweet little boy...1 day old

Yesterday was a very special day for my dear, dear friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I am so excited for them! Having 2 kids is the most exhausting, rewarding, special, frustrating and wonderful thing in the whole world. Congratulations on their growing family!! 

There are times when I lose my mind completely and think that maybe I want another baby. Then I get smacked in the face by a ball and yelled at to "press play"!! 

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